Professional software development plans
A good project specification and development plan is the first step in a successful project. While it’s all-too-common to make do with only a high-level brief and some rough estimates, this need not be the case.
While developing high quality software for both consumers and businesses, we’ve always taken particular pride in our granular, task-oriented approach to specification. We consider it a vital factor in our ten years of success with release delivery, budget accuracy and risk mitigation.
We are now offering this as a standalone service to companies that are preparing to make their project a reality. So if you’re still getting to grips with scope, or are looking to get an idea of costs and deadlines, or even are midway through a project and have concerns, contact us.
We’ll listen to your brief, review any documentation you may have already, and then give you a fixed quote to create you a spec and dev plan.
The typical package includes:
- a feature tree with human-readable steps covering all functionality
- mockups of each screen in the system
- a detailed list of the development steps to achieve the features, at sub 4-hour increments.
- comparative estimates and costings for each issue
- a realistic overall budget for the project
You can take this package and shop it around to development companies, use it as an input to your IT department, or of course use our quality development team. But whatever you choose, it’s yours and will take your project a huge step closer to success.
As part of this service, we’re making the primary tool we use, ImpTime, available for free as an open source package. We feel this enables the maximum benefit to clients trying to keep these plans up-to-date while also sharing our vision of development with the largest possible audience. You can read more about this system on our series of blog posts.